Valtera™ is a pre-emergent soil active herbicide for early season broadleaf weed control in pulses, wheat and soybeans.
Valtera™ is a pre-emergent soil active herbicide for early season broadleaf weed control in pulses, wheat and soybeans.
Technical information
Active ingredient: Group 14 (flumioxazin)
Treatment area: 56 g/acre, One case treats 160 acres
Application: Tank-mix with glyphosate and/or BlackHawk/GoldWing for enhanced control of emerged weeds
Application timing: Fall apply as late as possible but prior to freeze up for any registered crop. Pre-plant or pre-emergent for soybeans, field peas and chickpeas. Should be applied a minimum of 7 days prior to seeding field corn, wheat and lentils. Apply up to 3 days after seeding soybeans, chickpeas and field peas. Must be applied 30 days prior to seeding durum wheat
Tank-mix order: Valtera, BlackHawk or GoldWing (if used), glyphosate
Notes: Seeding after application requires the use of minimum to zero till drills. Valtera requires moisture to activate in the soil
Registered crops
- Chickpeas
- Field corn
- Field peas
- Lentils (large green and small red varieties)
- Soybeans
- Wheat
Weeds controlled
- Canada fleabane*
- Chickweed
- Dandelion (seedling)
- Green foxtail (suppression)
- Kochia (including Group 2-, 4- and glyphosate-resistant biotypes)
- Lamb’s-quarters
- Palmer amaranth*
- Pigweeds
- Volunteer canola – all biotypes (suppression)
- Waterhemp*
*Farmers in Southern Manitoba should watch for these weeds moving northward from the US
- EARLY SEASON CONTROL helps eliminate broadleaf weed pressure in pulses, wheat and soybeans during critical weed periods
- EXTENDED CONTROL with soil activity that provides longer lasting control of tough weeds (up to 8 weeks)
- RESISTANCE MANAGEMENT TOOL that helps control glyphosate-resistant weeds
- RE-CROPPING FLEXIBILITY – most crops not listed on the label can be seeded 12 months after application
- Apply in fall or spring (check label for specific crop registrations)
- No hassle application that doesn’t include the handling and incorporation of bulky granular herbicide products
- Extended early season control for extra in-crop herbicide flexibility that helps to improve the efficacy of in-crop herbicide applications by targeting fewer, smaller weeds
- Yield potential is increased through early elimination of weed competition
- Tank-mixable with most burndown and pre-emergent herbicides (i.e. glyphosate, GoldWing and/or BlackHawk)
Performance tips
- Emerged weeds – use with a burndown herbicide partner like glyphosate and BlackHawk or GoldWing
- Flushing weeds – residual activity for newly emerging weeds
- Emerged crop – Valtera alone can be used up to 3 days post seeding, but prior to emergence of soybeans, chickpeas and field peas
- Refer to label for rates and use patterns
- DO NOT incorporate after application or prior to seeding
- Pre-seed applications require the use of minimum disturbance seeding systems
- Non-ionic surfactant required if not tank-mixed with another product
- Leave a small checkstrip in the field to show performance