Latin: Matricaria spp.
Other names: Scented mayweed, false chamomile
Family: Asteraceae
Mayweed is a common weed found in the United Kingdom that belongs to the aster family (Asteraceae). It is also known as scented mayweed or false chamomile. This weed can be identified by its finely divided leaves and daisy-like flowers with white petals and yellow centers.
Different species of mayweed exist, with the most common ones in the UK being Matricaria recutita and Tripleurospermum inodorum.
Identifying Mayweed
broad leaf weeds in a cereal crop in spring
Mayweed leaves are fern-like and finely divided, giving them a feathery appearance. The stems are erect and branched, with a green color.
The flowers of mayweed are daisy-like, with white petals and yellow centers. The flower heads are solitary or arranged in clusters at the ends of the stems. The flowers bloom from spring to autumn, depending on the species and environmental conditions.
The Challenges of Mayweed and resistance
It is important to use best practice and multiple modes of action when controlling Mayweed due to cases of ALS resistance.
Mayweed can be a problematic weed with its ability to produce abundant seeds and its competitive growth make it a challenging species to control.
One of the challenges with mayweed is its adaptability to various soil types and its ability to tolerate different environmental conditions. It can quickly establish itself and spread if not managed effectively.
Example Nufarm mix for NON-ALS resistant Mayweed:
Spring Barley and Oats
Paramount Max 17-20 g/ha + Compitox Plus 1.0 l/ha + Tomahawk 2 0.4 l/ha