Tri-Base Blue is a protectant copper fungicide used for the control of many diseases on fruit, vegetable and ornamental crops. Now registered for the use against PSA.

Product Type: Fungicide
Active Ingredient:  190g/L Copper as tribasic copper sulphate
Formulation: Soluble concentrate

  • Provides superior coverage and adhesion due to the ultra-fine particle size
  • A stable, solvent free, copper formulation
  • Easy to pour, mix into solution, handle and apply


What is Tri-Base Blue?

Copper fungicides have been used by fruit and vegetable growers for many years as protectant treatments to prevent spore germination on plant tissue. Fungicides based on copper provide cost effective disease control but also have an additional benefit over non-copper fungicides which is their activity against bacterial pathogens.

Tri-Base Blue is a unique liquid formulation of a copper compound that provides a useful alternative to the traditional copper products based on granule or wettable powder formulations.

Tri-Base Blue stands alone as the only liquid copper fungicide available that contains tri-basic copper sulphate as the active ingredient.


How do copper fungicides work?

The key to successful disease protection with copper is two words – foliar coverage.

Plant surfaces need to have a complete coverage of copper fungicide to defend the plant against infection. Copper fungicides work by preventing spore germination and can act at several stages in the fungus development. Any plant surface left untreated remains a potential disease infection site.

Coverage is far more important than the quantity of actual copper on the plant surface. And that is why particle size is important.

The ultra-fine particles of Tri-Base Blue, where 70% of particles are less than one micron, provide a greater surface area than alternative products with larger particles. This allows the copper to exert its full potential against fungi and bacteria.

In the presence of moisture the copper ions become active. Therefore they protect against diseases that develop in the same conditions.

If conditions remain dry the copper ions are not released. Diseases that favour these conditions are able to prosper and cause infection as the level of available copper is insufficient for disease control.


Tri-Base Blue: The Formulation

Copper compounds, once dried, can never fully regain the previous level of hydration or activity. Using advanced technology Nufarm chemists at Linz developed a new, patented manufacturing method for tri-basic copper.

To further enhance the performance of this novel product, the tri-basic copper sulphate was blended with high quality wetting and dispersing agents to produce a liquid copper fungicide of exceptional quality.


Mixing Directions

Tri-Base Blue is an extremely stable formulation and requires only minimal shaking before use. It moves rapidly into suspension on addition to the spray tank. The required amount of Tri-Base Blue should be added when the tank is one third full and under constant agitation. The tank should be completely filled while agitation continues.



Tri-Base Blue is compatible with most commonly used fungicides and insecticides as a tank-mix. If compatibility is in question, use the compatibility jar test before mixing a whole tank.

The efficacy of this claim is not fully proven*


Withholding Period

Nil on all crops.


This product is exclusive to Fruitfed Supplies.