Fusilade Max is the broad label, fast acting graminicide from Nufarm. With a proven history of effective grassweed and volunteer cereal control, Fusilade Max is an essential tool in any growers kit when growing Oilseed rape.

Delivering fast and reliable results, Fusilade Max utilises advanced Isolink technology, which allows superior absorption for optimised performance. With the added bonus of its broad label, Fusilade Max can be used on a variety of other broad-leaved crops in addition to your Oilseed rape. 

Get your Oilseed rape off to the best start this autumn.

Fast, efficient removal of volunteer cereals protects OSR yield potential and helps growers realise the true agronomic value of break crops in their rotations.

Paul Cartwright, Nufarm Business Development & Agronomy Manager

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Key Benefits

Highly Selective

Fusilade Max is a highly selective herbicide for post emergence grasses control in broad-leaved crops such as OSR, sugar beet and legumes.

Fast IsoLink Technology

Fast acting ready to use formulation. Isolink technology ensures fast and efficient leaf surface absorption.

Flexibility in Use

Fusilade Max can be used within a wide window of application – a proven graminicide with rate flexibility to match weed species and size.

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Tried. Tested. Proven.

Protecting your Crop post emergence

Why consider Fusilade Max for your crop?


  • Robust, reliable control of annual and perennial grass weeds and volunteer cereals.
  • Advanced “Isolink” technology delivers greater uptake of active ingredient into target leaf.
  • Wide weed spectrum including wild oats, rye grass and brome.
  • Over 80 label crops.
  • Controlling volunteer cereals in broad-leaved crops provides a ‘clean’ break to reduce Take-all, Fusarium and Microdochiumnivale whilst also removing a host for BYDV vectors.

Product Details

Crop Target Registration:
As well as OSR, other agricultural and horticultural crop such as sugarbeet and legumes

Active substance:
125 g/L Fluazifop-p-butyl

Formulation type:
EC: Emulsifiable concentrate

HRAC code:
Fluazifop-p-butyl: A

Mode of Action:
ACCase inhibitors

Annual and perennial grasses & volunteer cereals

Application rate:
Up to 3.0L/ha according to crops and uses (see below)

Packaging Available:


Application Advice

Fusilade Max works on contact with the target weed leaf –best results are achieved from applications made to small, actively growing weeds.




Apply when access to the target is still good, before row closure to obtain sufficient coverage.

Do not use ACCase inhibitors as the sole chemical method of grass weed control in successive crops. To manage resistance and maintain performance, incorporate cultural control methods and use different herbicide modes of action across the rotation.

Rates & Timings:

Volunteer cereals 0.4 –0.5 l/ha
Lower rate at 2-3 leaf stage

Wild oats 0.4 –0.6 l/ha
Lower rate at 2-3 leaf stage

Brome (sterile) &
Ryegrass (Italian, perennial) 1.0 –1.5 l/ha
Higher rate will give more reliable control of tillering weeds

Couch 1.5 –2.0 l/ha
Control levels may vary from suppression to complete control according to length & fragmentation of rhizomes, target leaf area & spray coverage
