401.58 g/l bromoxynil. A selective herbicide for control of broadleaved weeds in a variety of broadacre crops.
401.58 g/l bromoxynil. A selective herbicide for control of broadleaved weeds in a variety of broadacre crops.
A suspension concentrate containing 401.58 g/l bromoxynil present as a mixture of the butyrate, phenol and octanoate esters. MAYA is recommended for use as a selective herbicide in forage
maize, grain maize, sweetcorn, bulb onion, shallot, barley, oats, wheat, and linseed, for the control of a wide range of annual broadleaf weeds.
- Replacement for ioxynil + bromoxynil products
- Fills the gaps in spectrum left by many existing spring broadleaved weed herbicides
- Non ALS resistance management and no mixture or sequence problems
- Good Fat hen control in linseed
- Can now be applied to maize and bulb onions grown from seed