When it comes to confident nematode management, many US soybean, corn and cotton producers will confront a heightened level of risk due to two predominant factors.

1) Populations of host-damaging nematodes continue to spread in key growing regions.

2) Some of the most damaging nematodes, such as soybean cyst nematode (SCN), are beginning to overcome resistant seed varieties.

Soybean, corn and cotton experts highlight nematode threat potential and provide best management practices.


Meet Our Webinar Speakers

Dr. Gregory L. Tylka
Iowa State University, professor of Plant Pathology and Microbiology

Dr. Tamra Jackson-Ziems
University of Nebraska – Lincoln, professor of Plant Pathology

Dr. Kathy S. Lawrence
Auburn University, professor of Plant Pathology

Dr. Tom Kroll
Nufarm US, Seed Treatment Product & Technical Services manager


Proudly sponsored by Trunemco™.

Trunemco™ is a new nematode seed treatment solution that helps soybean, cotton and corn crops thrive. This patented technology primes plant physiology, activating its defense system for superior broad-spectrum protection against nematode invasion. Learn how you can gain True Nematode Confidence with Trunemco.


This webinar is also available as a podcast.






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