Protect™ DF provides excellent control of a variety of important plant diseases. With high fungicidal activity, it is safe on turfgrass and certain ornamentals. It can be used as a preventive measure at lower labeled rates or as a curative at higher labeled rates if diseases are already established.


  • Broad-spectrum disease control for ornamentals
  • Easy-to-use, dry flowable formulation
  • Full chemigation label



Protect™ DF provides excellent protective activity and is most effective when applied prior to infection periods.

Apply 1.0-2.0 lb Protect DF per 100 gallons of water in full coverage sprays. To improve performance, add 2-4 oz of an effective spreader-sticker per 100 gallons of spray. Depending upon the life cycle of the listed pathogens, begin spraying either preventively at bud swell or at bud break, and continue throughout the growing season, or curatively at first sign of disease. Apply at 7-21 day intervals throughout the season as disease development conditions persist, or follow State Extension Service recommendation for specific disease control practices provided the 7-day retreatment intervals and the application rates and post-harvest intervals stated below are followed. Do not use edible portions of plant for food or feed purposes.

Cut flowers and greenhouse grown ornamentals: Maximum single application rate is 1.6 lb Protect DF/acre with 20 applications per season. Maximum seasonal application rate of 32 lbs Protect DF/acre. Minimum retreatment interval of 7 days.

Christmas trees and Douglas fir: Maximum single application rate is 4 lb Protect DF/acre. Minimum PHI of 14 days.

Ornamental and shade trees: Maximum single application rate is 2 lb Protect DF/acre with 3 applications per season. Maximum seasonal application rate of 6 lbs Protect DF/acre. Minimum retreatment interval of 7 days.

Ornamental groundcovers and herbaceous plants: Maximum single application rate is 2 lb Protect DF/acre. Minimum retreatment interval of 7 days.

See label for complete application rates and recommendations.


EPA REG. NO.: 1001-77
ACTIVE INGR.: mancozeb (75%)
FORMULATION: dry flowable
CHEM. FAMILY: dithiocarbamate
REI: 24 hours
SIGNAL WORD: caution
PACKAGE SIZE: 6 x 6 lb


Groundcovers and herbaceous plants
Ornamental and shade trees

(See product label for complete list)
Anthracnose blights (Colletotrichum, Discula, Elsinoe, Gloeodes, Gloeosporium, Glomerella, Gnomonia, Guignardia)
Aschochyta blights
Black spot of rose (Diplocarpon)
Black leaf spot of elm
Botrytis blights, gray mold
Brown rot blight (Monolinia, Sclerotinia, Whetzelinia)
Cephalosporium leaf spot
Cylindrocladium leaf blight
Downy mildews (Plasmopara, Peronospora)
Exobasidium blights
Flower blights (Aschochyta, Botrytis, Monolinia, Sclerotinia, Whetzelinia)
Fusarium leaf spot and blight
Ink spot (Ciborinia, Sclerotinia, Whetzelinia)
Kabatina dieback
Needlecasts of conifers (Cyclaneusma, Ismiella, Lophodermium, Naemacyclus, Pestalotia, Rhabdocline, Rhizosphaera, Scirrhia, Sphaeropsis)
Ovulinia blight
Phytophthora blight and dieback
Ramularia blight
Rhizoctonia aerial or web blight
Rusts (Cronartium, Endocronartium, Gymnosporangium, Melampsora, Melampsoridium, Phragmidium, Puccinia, Uromyces)
Scab (Fusicladium, Venturia, Sphaceloma, Cladosporium)
Shothole leaf spot (Blumeriella, Coccomyces)
Stemphyllium blight
Tip blights (Phomopsis, Diaporthe)
Tip blight of pine (Diplodia, Sphaeropsis)
Volutella blight