Spectro® 90 WDG combines two broad-spectrum fungicides to deliver contact and systemic protection. It prevents and controls disease in turf, annual and perennial flowers, as well as bedding plants, groundcovers and trees and shrubs.
Spectro® 90 WDG combines two broad-spectrum fungicides to deliver contact and systemic protection. It prevents and controls disease in turf, annual and perennial flowers, as well as bedding plants, groundcovers and trees and shrubs.
- Easy-to-use formulation
- Broad-spectrum disease control for ornamentals
- Tank-mix compatible with most commonly used pesticides
- Full chemigation label
Apply Spectro® 90 WDG at a rate of 1.0 to 2.0 pounds per 100 gallons of water unless other directions are given in the information below. For best results use spray mixture the same day it is prepared. Spray uniformly over the area to be treated with a properly calibrated power sprayer, apply as a full coverage spray to run-off when conditions are favorable for disease development. Application should be made to plants when both foliage and flowers are dry, or nearly dry. Spectro can provide both curative and preventive action. Use the highest recommended rate and shortest application interval under conditions of severe disease pressure.
RATES: Maximum Individual Application Rates
Ornamentals …………………………………………………… 2.15 lbs/Acre
Roses ………………………………………………………………. 1.53 lbs/Acre
Pachysandra ……………………………………………………. 4.31 lbs/Acre
Conifers …………………………………………………………… 5.7 lbs/Acre
Conifers Seed Beds ………………………………………….. 5.7 lbs/Acre
Do not use mist-blower or high-pressure spray equipment when making applications in greenhouses.
Do not use this product on plants bearing fruit and other parts or structures that may be eaten.
Do not apply when wind speed favors spray drift beyond the area intended for treatment.
See label for complete application rates and recommendations.
EPA REG. NO.: 1001-72
ACTIVE INGR.: chlorothalonil (72.0%), thiophanate-methyl (18.0%)
FORMULATION: water-dispersible granules
CHEM. FAMILY: chloronitrile, thiophanate
REI: 12 hours
APPLICATION: spray, drench
PACKAGE SIZE: 4 x 5 lb, 24 lb pail
More than 110 ornamental species including:
Annual and perennial flowers
Bedding plants
Foliage plants
Deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs
(See product label for complete list)
Actinopelte leaf spot
Alternaria leaf spot, leaf blight
Ascochyta blight
Bipolaris (Helminthosporium) leaf spot
Black spot of rose
Botrytis flower spot, flower blight
Botrytis leaf spot, leaf blight
Cephalosporium leaf spot
Cercospora leaf spot
Cercosporidium leaf spot
Colletotrichum leaf blotch, leaf spot, blights
Corynespora leaf spot
Coryneum blight, shothole
Curvularia flower spot
Cylindrosporium leaf spot
Dactylaria leaf spot
Didymellina leaf spot
Drechslera leaf spot, ink spot
Exobasidium leaf blister
Entomosporium (Fabraea) leaf spot
Fusarium leaf spot
Gloeosporium black leaf spot
Marssonina leaf spot
Monilinia blossom blight, twig blight
Mycosphaerella ray blight
Myrothecium leaf spot, brown rot
Nematostoma leaf blight
Ovulinia flower blight
Phyllsoticta leaf spot
Phytophthora aerial blight
Ramularia leaf spot
Rhizoctonia web blight
Rhizopus blossom blight
Sclerotinia flower blight
Septoria leaf spot
Sphaeropsis leaf spot
Stagonospora leaf scorch
Taphrina leaf blister
Volutella leaf blight