Fungicide Fact Sheets

Fairy Ring Fact Sheet

Did you know that there are three different types of Fairy Rings? One or more of over sixty different fungi can cause fairy ring symptoms. All of these fungi feed on dead, organic matter (not grass roots) in thatch and soil. As the fungi thrive, the root zone becomes hydrophobic and water cannot penetrate. Ultimately, grass dies from the drought conditions created by the fairy ring fungi.

Snow Mold Control Fact Sheet

Snow mold occurs during periods of cold weather but is not limited to snow-covered turf, as the name implies. Snow mold has been observed year-round in cool, humid regions, and nearly all turfgrass species are susceptible. Snow mold can be known as Microdochium patch or pink snow mold and Typhula blight or gray snow mold. Tourney® Fungicide is an integral component for a proven and consistent snow mold control program.

Traction and Pinpoint: The dollar spot duo 

Traction and Pinpoint deliver proven dollar spot control and 3 modes of action for disease resistance management. Download the infographic.

Mode-of-Action Quick Guide for the Ornamental Market

Pinpoint and Tourney: Even Stronger Together

Targeted dollar spot control and broad-spectrum power combine to fight more than 15 common turfgrass diseases and improve turfgrass quality. Pinpoint and Tourney maximize the use of 2 modes of action for disease resistance management.

Proven Defense for Greenhouse & Nursery

Herbicide Fact Sheets

 Monterey Distributor Fact Sheet for Select Nufarm Herbicides

SureGuard SC Tankmix Fact Sheet

Be sure you get your tank mix right. Our Sureguard SC tankmix fact sheet outlines the 9-steps to tankmix success.

Virginia Buttonweed Control Fact Sheet

Understanding the right tank mix for your weed challenge can work wonders. When it comes to Virginia buttonweed, Change Up™ and Manor® in a tank mix produce excellent results. Get the facts.

Sureguard SC Infographic

As the first liquid Flumioxazin, SureGuard® SC delivers the excellent control of broadleaf and grassy weeds that you’ve come to expect from SureGuard with the convenience and speed of mixing a liquid formulation.

Sureguard to Sureguard SC Conversion rates

Let our infographic help you with conversions of Sureguard rates to rates for new Sureguard SC, the first liquid flumioxazin.

Broadleaf Weed reference sheet

Our updated Broadleaf Weed reference sheet enables you to visually identify weed characteristics, growth timing, and lifecycles for a variety of common and hard to control broadleaf weeds in turf.

Insecticide Fact Sheets

Mites fact sheet

Mites are a persistent problem affecting greenhouse and outdoor nursery production. Mites can appear any time of the year in greenhouses and under warm and dry situations outdoors.

Preventive and curative control of turfgrass insects: Aloft® GC Infographic

Cutworms, Fire Ants and other turfgrass insects–including white grubs–can now be combatted with season-long control.

Busting the Myths around Emerald Ash Borer

Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is devastating Ash trees in America. Learn the facts on this pest and what can be done with our two-page infographic.

2019 Pest Control for Professional Turfgrass Managers

NC State has produced this guide for professional turf managers. It contains updates and treatment recommendations for weeds, insects, and diseases that affect a variety of turf species.

Protecting Poinsettias: Solution Guide

When it comes to protecting your high value poinsettia crop, you Know and Trust Safari.

Safari is the trusted drench treatment – outperforming other products in systemic activity. Choose proven performance, choose Safari.

Safari® 20 SG is a super-systemic insecticide with quick uptake and knockdown. It controls a broad spectrum of invasive pests including Q- and B-biotype whiteflies, emerald ash borers, mealybugs, leafhoppers, leafminers, and armored and soft scales — some of the most costly pests that affect trees, shrubs and herbaceous ornamentals in the production ornamental market.

  • Super-systemic: fast uptake, increased concentration in leaves
  • Broad-spectrum control, including Q- and B-biotype whiteflies
  • Unsurpassed residual control

Plant Growth Regulator Fact Sheets

Anuew Fewer Clippings trial results

Anuew™ Plant growth Regulator slows vertical growth, is labeled for most managed turf areas, and now offers the first EPA approved label containing Growing Degree Day (GDD) model application instructions.

Just the facts: Turf Density, Quality and Clippings

Anuew™ manages growth and improves quality and appearance of warm- and cool-season turfgrasses with an advanced mode of action. Anuew can be applied to all managed turf areas, including golf greens, tees, fairways and rough, residential and commercial lawns, sod farms, and sports fields.

Anuew Volumetric Conversion Chart

We’ve prepared a volumetric conversion chart to assist your Anuew application efforts.

Turf Disease Fact Sheets

The Ohio State University Turfgrass Pathology Program has put together a series of fact sheets covering six of the major turf diseases. The fact sheets share disease causes, symptoms, and management practices for turf diseases including:



Conversion tables for Horticulture use

It can be maddening trying to remember conversions between cups, ounces, liters, pounds, grams, and many more measurements of use in horticulture.

The University of Georgia Extension team has gathered a comprehensive set of conversion tables/calculators of interest to horitculture practitioners. Conversion Tables, Formulas and Suggested Guidelines for Horticultural Use

We’ve created a smaller scale chart for Nufarm product volumetric conversions that you may also find useful: Small Volume Conversion Sheet

Greenhouse and Nursery Disease Chart

We’ve prepared a greenhouse and nursery disease chart to help you identify Nufarm solutions that are aligned to specific diseases and symptoms in your Greenhouse and Nursery plants.

Turfgrass Disease Chart

This chart shows common turfgrass diseases to help you identify what you’re dealing with and how Nufarm can help. Ask your rep how you can get a full-size printout for easy reference!