For the control of climbing buckwheat, common sowthistle, skeleton weed, capeweed, doublegee and other broadleaf weeds in winter cereals and linseed crops.

Picloram MCPA is the same formulation you know and trust, formerly called Trooper 242

You can still use remaining branded Trooper 242 product with confidence. Discover why it has changed, and our locally-driven Label improvements today.


Product Type: Herbicide
Mode of Action: Group 4 Herbicide
Active ingredient(s): MCPA(420g/L)+picloram(26g/L)
Formulation: Soluble Liquid

Picloram MCPA is the same formulation you know and trust, formerly called Trooper 242

You can still use remaining branded Trooper 242 product with confidence. Discover why it has changed, and our locally-driven Label improvements today.
