Harvest is underway and that means fall burndown weed control is up next. When the weather cooperates, fall is an ideal time to winterize your fields to get key perennial and winter annual weeds under control. If you’re planting winter wheat, you’ll have cleaner fields this fall as your young crop gets established. If you’re cleaning up fields in prep for next season, you’ll have early season weed control off your to-do list for next spring.

Target your toughest weeds this fall with these two application times to control perennial and winter annual weeds, weakening weeds like dandelion, plantain and chickweed as they get ready to settle in for the winter.

  1. Post-harvest weed control after winter wheat and spring cereals
  2. Pre-plant/pre-emerge with winter wheat


BlackHawk® (Group 14, 4) and Estaprop® XT (Group 4) are excellent options to manage fall weeds, providing effective control with no risk of antagonism that comes with other popular herbicides. BlackHawk and Estaprop XT are both registered for post-harvest use, and BlackHawk can also be used pre-emergent in winter wheat.

Add Credit® Xtreme (Group 9) in the tank with BlackHawk for stronger resistance management with three modes of action. For post-harvest control and pre-emergent use in winter wheat, this combination delivers a quick and effective burndown on weeds including herbicide-resistant Canada fleabane.

When you’re battling bigger perennial weeds this fall like dandelions – or if you are using grassy cover crops – burndown fall weeds with Estraprop XT that doesn’t require glyphosate for excellent performance.

Want to know more? Ask a Nufarmer at 1.800.686.5444 or visit Nufarm.ca.