Bifecta EZ Herbicide: A Pre-Emergent Solution for Broadleaf Weed Control in Soybeans
Bifecta® EZ provides strong pre-emergent residual control of the toughest broadleaf weeds in herbicide-tolerant soybeans.Bifecta EZ Herbicide: A Pre-Emergent Solution for Broadleaf Weed Control in Soybeans
Bifecta® EZ provides strong pre-emergent residual control of the toughest broadleaf weeds in herbicide-tolerant soybeans.Technical information
Active ingredients: Group 14 (flumioxazin), Group 5 (metribuzin)
Application timing: Pre-emergent for soybeans
Treatment area: One case treats 40 acres
Tank-mix order: Bifecta EZ, BlackHawk® (if used), Glyphosate
PCP #: 34422
Registered crops
- Soybeans
Weeds controlled
- Barnyard grass
- Canada fleabane (including Group 2-, 5- and glyphosate-resistant biotypes)
- Carpetweed1
- Cheatgrass
- Chickweed
- Cleavers (suppression)
- Cocklebur
- Common ragweed (including Group 2-, 5- and glyphosate-resistant biotypes)
- Crabgrass
- Dandelion
- Eastern black nightshade (including Group 2- and 22-resistant biotypes)
- Fall panicum
- Giant foxtail
- Green and redroot pigweed (including Group 2- and 5-resistant biotypes)
- Green smartweed
- Green and yellow foxtail
- Hairy nightshade
- Jimsonweed1
- Johnson grass (seedling)
- Lady’s-thumb
- Lamb’s-quarters (including Group 2- and 5-resistant biotypes)
- Palmer amaranth
- Prickly mallow2
- Prostrate pigweed
- Russian thistle
- Shepherd’s-purse
- Velvetleaf
- Volunteer canola (suppression including all herbicide-tolerant biotypes)
- Waterhemp (including Group 2-, 5- and glyphosate-resistant biotypes)
- Wild buckwheat
- Wild mustard
- Wild potato vine
- Witch grass
- Yellow woodsorrel
1 Pre-emergence only
2 Post-emergence only
- STRONG GLYPHOSATE-RESISTANT fleabane burndown and control when tank-mixed with BlackHawk® herbicide
- RESIDUAL WEED CONTROL for up to 5 weeks
- SUPERIOR RESISTANCE MANAGEMENT with two active ingredients to help manage weeds that are Group 2-, 5- and glyphosate-resistant
- Convenient all-in-one formulation
- Tank-mixable with most burndown and pre-emergent herbicides (i.e. glyphosate and BlackHawk)
- Flexible pre-plant or pre-emergent application timings
- No surfactant needed