Boost® M is the best choice for managing chickweed problems and winter annuals in cereals with twice the MCPA of competitive products.
Boost® M is the best choice for managing chickweed problems and winter annuals in cereals with twice the MCPA of competitive products.
Technical information
Active ingredients: Group 2 (thifensulfuron and tribenuron), Group 4 (MCPA)
Rainfast: 4 hours
Treatment area: One case treats 40 acres
Tank-mix order: Boost (thifensulfuron and tribenuron), MCPA
Crop staging: 2 leaf – flag leaf
PCP #: 30377, 27803
Registered crops
- Barley
- Oats
- Wheat (winter, spring)
Weeds controlled
- Annual smartweeds
- Burdock
- Canada thistle (suppression)
- Chickweed
- Cocklebur
- Common ragweed (including Group 2-, 5- and glyphosate-resistant biotypes)
- Corn spurry
- Cow cockle
- Flixweed
- Giant ragweed (including Group 2-, 5- and glyphosate-resistant biotypes)
- Hemp-nettle
- Lamb’s-quarters (including Group 2- and 5- resistant biotypes)
- Mustards
- Plantain
- Prickly lettuce
- Redroot pigweed (including Group 2- and 5- resistant biotypes)
- Scentless chamomile (suppression)
- Shepherd’s-purse
- Stinkweed
- Volunteer canola
- Wild buckwheat
- PROVEN, EFFECTIVE CHICKWEED CONTROL that’s gentle on the crop
- One convenient case with no additional MCPA needed
- Tank-mixable with most fungicides and foliar fertilizers
- Controls many weeds showing resistance to common herbicides
- Effective in-season control of broadleaf weeds including winter annuals
Weed control challenge
Winter annual weeds are a struggle for many cereal growers. Chickweed and others tough weeds germinate in the fall and winter, and get a jump on spring crops competing for early season nutrients, moisture and sunlight. Early spring conditions can make it tough to get out ahead of these problem weeds.
Nufarm solution
Boost M herbicide knocks down chickweed, winter annuals and most common annual broadleaf weeds with ease. With twice the MCPA of competitive products, Boost M will increase your level of weed control without having to add costly surfactants. And with no tank-mix restrictions, your options are open to using a fungicide, nutrient solution or grass herbicide at the same time.