Fierce® is a pre-emergent Group 14 and 15 residual herbicide that manages resistant weeds with extended grass and broadleaf weed control for soybeans and wheat crops.
Fierce® is a pre-emergent Group 14 and 15 residual herbicide that manages resistant weeds with extended grass and broadleaf weed control for soybeans and wheat crops.
Technical information
Active ingredients: Group 14 (flumioxazin), Group 15 (pyroxasulfone)
Application timing: Pre-plant or pre-emergent for soybeans, should be applied a minimum of 7 days prior to planting spring wheat, winter wheat, and field corn (no-till only)
Treatment area: One case treats 128 acres at 85 g/ac. (32 ac./jug)
Tank-mix order: Fierce, BlackHawk® ( if used), glyphosate
Notes: Planting after herbicide application requires the use of minimum disturbance planting systems. Fierce requires moisture to activate in the soil and provides up to 8 weeks of residual control
PCP #: 31117
Registered crops
- Soybeans
- Spring wheat
- Winter wheat
- Field corn
Weeds controlled
- Annual sow thistle
- Barnyard grass
- Canada fleabane
- Chickweed
- Cleavers
- Common ragweed (including glyphosate-resistant biotypes)
- Crabgrass
- Dandelion
- Green foxtail (including Group 1- and 2-resistant biotypes)
- Green and redroot pigweed (including Group 2- and 5-resistant biotypes)
- Lamb’s-quarters (including Group 2- and triazine-resistant biotypes)
- Nightshade
- Palmer amaranth
- Ragweed
- Waterhemp (including Group 2-, 5- and glyphosate-resistant biotypes)
- Wild buckwheat
- Wild mustard
- Velvetleaf
- Volunteer canola (suppression)
- GRASSY WEED MANAGEMENT for cleaner fields with a different herbicide mode of action
- LONGER CONTROL with residual activity that lasts up to 8 weeks
- TWO ACTIVE INGREDIENTS (proven Group 14 and 15) for management of Group 1-, 2-, 4-, 5- and glyphosate-resistant weeds
- Tank-mixable with most burndown and pre-emergent herbicides (i.e. glyphosate and BlackHawk®)
- No surfactant required
Performance tips
- Emerged weeds – use with a burndown herbicide partner like glyphosate and BlackHawk
- Flushing weeds – residual activity for newly emerging weeds
- Emerged crop – Fierce alone can be applied up to 3 days after planting soybeans
- Refer to label for rates and use patterns
- DO NOT incorporate after application or prior to planting
- Leave a small checkstrip in the field to show performance
Weed control challenge
Remember when glyphosate or other non-residual herbicides were all it took to control wild oats and most broadleaf weeds? Unfortunately, herbicide-resistant weeds mean that Groups 1, 2, 4 and 9 can’t handle the problems alone anymore. Maximizing soybean and wheat yields depend on residual control of tough grass and broadleaf weeds.
Nufarm solution
Fierce® herbicide delivers the broadest spectrum and longest residual weed control available for IP, conventional and herbicide-tolerant soybeans and wheat crops. Pyroxasulfone is registered for suppression of wild oats and control of various foxtail and brome species at a rate consistent with the upper registered range of Fierce. This provides another option to reduce the effect of Group 1 & 2 resistant wild oats and grasses, and other annual weeds that impact yield and harvest management. Fierce controls resistant weeds before they become a problem.