Mextrol® herbicide is a combination of bromoxynil and MCPA ester used to control several hard to control broadleaf weeds in a variety of cereal crops and flax.
Mextrol® herbicide is a combination of bromoxynil and MCPA ester used to control several hard to control broadleaf weeds in a variety of cereal crops and flax.
Technical information
Active ingredient: Group 4 (MCPA ester), Group 6 (bromoxynil)
Rainfast: 1 hour
Treatment rate: 0.5 L/ac., one case treats 40 acres, one drum treats 200 acres, one tote treats 1,000 acres
Crop staging: 2 leaf – early flag leaf
Notes: Similar product to Buctril M
Registered crops
- Barley
- Canary seed
- Corn (field, sweet)
- Flax
- Oats
- Seedling and established grasses
- Wheat (spring, winter, durum)
- Underseeded winter wheat
Weeds controlled
- Bluebur
- Canada Thistle (top growth only)
- Cocklebur
- Common ragweed
- Common groundsel
- Cow cockle
- Flixweed
- Kochia
- Lady’s thumb
- Lamb’s quarters
- Mustard species
- Night flowering catchfly
- Perennial sow-thistle (suppression)
- Prickly lettuce (suppression)
- Redroot pigweed
- Russian Thistle
- Scentless chamomile
- Shepherd’s-purse
- Smartweeds
- Stinkweed
- Volunteer canola
- Volunteer sunflower
- Velvetleaf
- Wild buckwheat
- Wild Mustard
- Superior formulation = improved crop safety on sensitive crops
- Tried and true product performance
- Unparalleled crop safety, gentle on underseeded red clover
- Dual mode of action
- Outstanding wild buckwheat control
- Excellent partner with foliar fungicides and fertilizers
Tank-mix partners – Western Canada
- Nufarm Tralkoxydim
- Signal
- Avenge®
- Axial®
- Poast® Ultra
- Cordon®
- Select®
- Simplicity®
- Varro®
- Traxos®
Tank-mix partners – Eastern Canada
- Boost
- Refine SG
- Most grass herbicides (consult product label)