Proliant PGR can deliver better yields, bigger roots and enhanced early season growth to cereals, corn and forage grasses.

Technical Information

Active ingredients: Gibberellic acid, GA3
Rainfast: Delay application if rainfall is imminent
Treatment area: One jug treats 60 acres, one case treats 240 acres at recommended rate
Re-entry interval: 12 hours
Registration #:
2015077A – Fertilizer Act, non-ionic surfactant recommended

Registered Crops

  • Barley
  • Corn (grain, silage)
  • Forage grasses
  • Oats
  • Potatoes
  • Rye
  • Triticale
  • Wheat (winter, spring, durum)

Proliant Delivers

  • More yield, bigger roots
  • Increased kernel rows in corn and better tip fill
  • Increased grains per head in wheat
  • Increased silage tonnage and feed quality


  • Supplements the plant’s natural GA3 production during slow growth stages
  • Temporarily increases plant growth rate
  • Increases early-season photo radiation capture – more photosynthetic capacity

Usage Information

  • For best results, the water pH should be approximately 7.0, and always below 8.5
  • In many cases, performance is increased if application is made under slow drying conditions and/or with the addition of a non-ionic surfactant at 0.125% volume/volume
  • Can be applied with most herbicides, fungicides and foliar fertilizers (Check with your Nufarm representative for compatibility questions)

Yield Challenge

With the ongoing drive for higher yields, many growers feel that they have hit a plateau in their corn,cereal and forage yields. Genetics, fertility and pest control can only bring a crop so far, especially when that crop faces adverse weather conditions that cannot be controlled.

Nufarm Solution

Proliant is a new plant growth regulator that delivers powerful stress mitigation through a unique, patented, high purity formulation. It increases early season growth of corn, cereals and grass crops. The active ingredient, gibberellic acid (GA3), is a natural plant growth hormone that elongates plant cells and encourages cell division. The results are larger roots, stronger stalks and a plant that can handle stresses more effectively.


For specific crop usage information see label for details