U.S. FDA Acknowledges Nuseed’s Omega-3 Canola Oil is a New Dietary Ingredient

11 Aug 2021

Nufarm Limited (ASX:NUF) and its wholly owned subsidiary, Nuseed Nutritional US Inc., today welcomed the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) notice recognising Nutriterra® Total Omega-3 as a New Dietary Ingredient (NDI).

Nufarm’s CEO, Greg Hunt, said today’s announcement from the FDA is another significant milestone that opens new markets for Nuseed’s omega-3 canola oil. “The FDA’s acknowledgment along with our recently completed human clinical trial1, allows us to progress our plans to expand into the human nutrition market and meet a growing demand for plant-based omega-3 essential oil options.”

Nuseed’s Omega-3 Canola helps fill the gap between how much long-chain omega-3 is needed to support human and animal nutrition and how little the ocean can sustainably provide. It has a unique DHA+EPA and ALA-rich omega-3 profile and has been developed to support human nutrition (marketed as Nutriterra®) and fish feed (marketed as Aquaterra®).

Mr Hunt noted, “With FDA recognition of Nuseed’s conclusion that Nutriterra® is a safe new dietary ingredient, we are well placed to secure commercial partnerships that will attract new consumers, enter into new segments and raise consumption of omega-3.”

A human clinical trial commissioned by Nuseed1 and conducted with Nuseed’s Omega-3 canola oil indicated participants taking Nutriterra® dietary supplements readily absorbed the oil’s long-chain omega-3s, including DHA and EPA, and short-chain ALA, which were incorporated into blood lipids. The mid and high doses studied significantly improved levels of omega-3, as measured by the OmegaScoreTM and the Omega-3 Index, leading to reduced cardiovascular and cognitive risks.

The USDA deregulated Nuseed’s Omega-3 Canola for commercial planting in 2018. Nuseed has previously obtained human food and fish feed approvals in Australia, New Zealand, and Canada and is progressing with additional regulatory applications in other key markets around the world.

Click here for the official ASX Release.