Idol™ is a selective post-emergent herbicide for the control of annual and perennial grasses in soybeans, legumes and other specialty crops.
Idol™ is a selective post-emergent herbicide for the control of annual and perennial grasses in soybeans, legumes and other specialty crops.
Technical information
Active ingredient: Group 1 (quizalofop-p-ethyl)
Rainfast: 1 hour
Treatment area: One case treats 80 acres at the 200 mL/ac. rate (2 x 8 L case)
Application timing: Post-emergent
Tank-mix order: Tank-mix partner, Idol, MERGE® or SURE-MIX™ (0.5% v/v). If mixing Idol with another herbicide consult label for mixing instructions.
Notes: An adjuvant must be used with Idol, and is sold separately. Use 10 gal/ac. water volume to get good coverage on emerged weeds. Please see the label for more information.
Registered crops
- Canola
- Dry beans
- Faba beans
- Soybeans
Check label for additional field and vegetable crops
Weeds controlled
150 mL/ac. rate
- Green foxtail
- Volunteer barley
- Volunteer corn
- Volunteer oats
- Volunteer wheat
- Wild oats (1-5 leaf)
200 mL/ac. rate (80 ac./case)
- All weeds listed above
- Barnyard grass
- Fall panicum
- Foxtail barley
- Japanese brome
- Old witchgrass
- Proso millet
300 mL/ac. rate
- All weeds listed above
- Quackgrass
- Flexibility in rates to match weed pressure
- Multiple tank-mix options
- Wide window of application and excellent crop safety
Tank-mix partners
- Liberty®
- Pinnacle® Toss-N-Go
- Classic™
- Basagran® Forté