Ransack® is a broad-spectrum in-crop herbicide for field peas, soybeans, faba beans and dry beans. The convenient all-in-one formulation also delivers re-cropping flexibility.
Ransack® is a broad-spectrum in-crop herbicide for field peas, soybeans, faba beans and dry beans. The convenient all-in-one formulation also delivers re-cropping flexibility.
Technical information
Active ingredient: Group 2 (imazamox), Group 6 (bentazon)
Rainfast: 6 hours
Treatment area: One case treats 40 acres, one drum treats 240 acres
Application timing: Post-emergent
Notes: Use 10 gal./ac. water volume to get good coverage on emerged weeds. Ground application only. The addition of UAN is recommended for grass weed control (810 mL/ac.) and is sold separately.
Registered crops
- Field peas (apply at 3 – 6 node stage)
- Dry beans
- Faba beans
- Soybeans
- Seedling sainfoin for seed production
- Seedling and established red and alsike clover for seed production
- Established alfalfa for seed
Weeds controlled
- Barnyard grass
- Cleavers (including Group-2 resistant biotypes)
- Cow cockle
- Green and yellow foxtail
- Green smartweed
- Hemp nettle (suppression)
- Japanese brome grass (suppression)
- Kochia (suppression)
- Lamb’s-quarters
- Persian darnel
- Redroot pigweed
- Round-leaved mallow (suppression)
- Russian thistle
- Shepherd’s purse
- Sowthistle – annual and perennial (suppression)
- Stinkweed
- Volunteer canola (including all herbicide-tolerant biotypes)
- Volunteer cereals (barley, canary seed, durum wheat, spring wheat, oats)
- Volunteer lentils (including all herbicide-tolerant biotypes)
- Wild buckwheat (suppression)
- Wild mustard (including Group-2 resistant biotypes)
- Wild oats
- Re-cropping flexibility
- Multiple modes of action to manage herbicide-resistant weeds
- Convenient all-in-one formulation
- No surfactant required