Velocity® SP is the only post-emergent herbicide that selectively reduces annual bluegrass populations on golf courses and sod farms.
Velocity® SP is the only post-emergent herbicide that selectively reduces annual bluegrass populations on golf courses and sod farms.
Technical information
Herbicide group: Group 2
Active ingredient: Bispyribac sodium (76.1%)
PCP #: 28833
Formulation: Water-dispersible granule
Chemical family: Pyrimidinyl(thio)benzoate
Rainfast: Avoid application when heavy rain is forecast
Packaging: 1 case = 5 x 56.7 g soluble packets, one packet treats 18 acres at the 31 g/ha rate
Timing: Apply May 15 to October 15 once daily temperatures reach 21°C
Maximum application per season: Do not apply more than a total of 370.8 g/ha per season
Notes: Do not apply if freezing air temperatures are predicted within 3 days of the application
Registered uses*
- Creeping bentgrass
- Kentucky bluegrass
- Perennial ryegrass
- Tall fescue
*Golf course and sod farms only
Weeds Controlled
- Annual bluegrass (Poa annua)
- Dandelion (suppression)
- Dollar spot (suppression)
- White clover (suppression)
- The only option available in Canada for golf courses and sod farms to remove annual bluegrass
- Selectively reduces the presence of Poa with certain species of turf including creeping bentgrass, perennial ryegrass, Kentucky bluegrass and tall fescue
- Part of a programmed approach to gradually transition Poa-infested turf back to pure stands
- Offers suppression of dandelion, white cover and dollar spot
Best management practices
- Use lower rates and wider application interval for slowest conversion
- Vary your spray patterns to reduce overspray into Kentucky bluegrass collars
- Dollar spot suppression at 31 g/ha rate and higher
- Establish small marked plots and take photos of the same areas all season long to monitor species population shift
- If you have difficulty reestablishing divots from seed while using Velocity reduce the rate and increase number of application to offset the lower rate (example, instead of 31 g applied every 28 days, modify to 16 g every 21 days)
- Don’t make applications if soil is at field capacity or heavy rain is forecasted within 24 hours
Annual bluegrass control challenge
Annual bluegrass (Poa annua), commonly known as Poa, is found on many golf courses and has a number of attributes that make it unappealing to turf managers. There are many ecotypes of annual bluegrass that each grow at different rates and when mixed with creeping bentgrass can contribute to uneven playing surfaces, create management challenges and increase overwintering risks. Transitioning annual bluegrass out of fairways and tees can be a tough task.
Nufarm solution
Velocity SP herbicide is the best way to convert Poa-infested turf back to creeping bentgrass. A post-emergent herbicide, Velocity gives golf course superintendents an effective way to make a gradual transition from annual bluegrass infested turf to pure stands of creeping bentgrass. In addition, Velocity provides secondary benefits by suppressing dollar spot, dandelion and white clover.
Annual bluegrass transition programs
When faced with the challenges of managing mixed stands, consider a Velocity transition program. Velocity SP is the only post-emerge herbicide to selectively remove annual bluegrass and offers five transition programs to convert turf back to pure stands. Pick your program depending on your infestation level and desired speed of conversion.