A selective herbicide for the control of broadleaved weeds in winter and spring cereal crops.

50 g/l florasulam + 500g/l diflufenican. Combines systemic foliar activity and long lasting residual action, enabling effective control of weeds present in the crop and those yet to emerge


Controls the most common economically damaging broad-leaved weeds:

  • Cleavers
  • Mayweed
  • Chickweed
  • Shepherd’s-purse
  • Volunteer oilseed rape and Runch
  • Charlock
  • Effective control of a wide range of other broadleaved weeds, including volunteer field beans
  • Robust control in a wide application window from early autumn to late spring
  • Broad-leaved weed and grass weed control flexibility when used in tank mix with other herbicides