Oxbow Herbicide: A Powerful Solution for Broadleaf Weed Control in Cereals
A versatile in-crop cereal broadleaf herbicide that is powered by Duplosan™ technology. Oxbow™ is a workhorse on tough weeds with flexibility in application timing, rates and re-cropping.Oxbow Herbicide: A Powerful Solution for Broadleaf Weed Control in Cereals
A versatile in-crop cereal broadleaf herbicide that is powered by Duplosan™ technology. Oxbow™ is a workhorse on tough weeds with flexibility in application timing, rates and re-cropping.Technical information
Active ingredient: Group 4 (dichlorprop-p), Group 6 (bromoxynil)
Rainfast: Avoid application if heavy rainfall is imminent
Treatment area and rates: 0.485 L/acre rate: one case treats 40 acres, one drum treats 240 acres, one tote treats 960 acres 0.648 L/acre rate: one case treats 30 acres, one drum treats 180 acres, one tote treats 720 acres (Contact local retailer to special order product in drums and/or totes)
Notes: Use 10 gal./ac. water volume to get good coverage on emerged weeds
Registered crops
- Barley
- Wheat (spring, durum, winter)
Weeds controlled
- Bluebur
- Broadleaf plantain
- Chickweed
- Cocklebur
- Common ragweed
- Cow cockle
- False cleavers
- Green smartweed
- Kochia (including Group 2- 4-, 9- and 14-resistant biotypes)
- Lady’s-thumb
- Lamb’s-quarters
- Pale smartweed
- Redroot pigweed (suppression)
- Russian thistle
- Stinkweed
- Tartary buckwheat
- Wild buckwheat
- Wild mustard
- Manages resistant kochia (Group 2- 4-, 9- and 14-resistant biotypes)
and other challenging broadleaf weeds - Re-cropping flexibility
- Wide window of application on wheat and barley
- Tank-mix flexibility and compatibility with most grass weed herbicides
Tank-mix partners
† Supported tank-mix