Tropotox® Plus is a post-emergent herbicide used for controlling broadleaf weeds in cereals, peas, corn and selected forage crops.
Tropotox® Plus is a post-emergent herbicide used for controlling broadleaf weeds in cereals, peas, corn and selected forage crops.
Technical information
Herbicide group: Group 4
Active ingredient: MCPB 375 g/L, MCPA 25 g/L
Packaging: 2 x 10 L case
Application rate: 1.11 – 1.72 L/acre
Registered crops
- Barley
- Corn
- Oats
- Rye
- Pasture
- Peas
- Seedling alfalfa
- Seedling clover (wild white, dutch white, Ladino, alsike and red_)
- Seedling forage grasses
- Wheat
Weeds controlled
Consult the label for weeds controlled, rates and staging