Valtera™ EZ is a pre-emergent residual herbicide for early season broadleaf weed control in soybeans, wheat and field corn. Now available in a convenient liquid formulation.

Technical information

Active ingredient:  Group 14 (flumioxazin)
Rainfast:  Rain required for activation
Treatment area:  One case (2 x 4.8 L) treats 106 – 160 acres (at 60-90 ml/ac. rate)
Application:  Tank-mix with glyphosate and BlackHawk for enhanced control of emerged weeds
Application timing:  Pre-emergent for soybeans. Should be applied a minimum of 7 days prior to planting wheat and field corn. Apply Valtera EZ up to 3 days after planting soybeans.
Tank-mix order:  Valtera EZ, BlackHawk (if used), Glyphosate
Notes: Planting after application requires the use of minimum disturbance planting systems. Moisture is necessary to activate Valtera EZ in the soil for residual weed control
PCP #:  33523

Registered crops

  • Field corn
  • Soybeans
  • Wheat (spring, winter)

Weeds controlled

  • Annual sow-thistle
  • Canada fleabane
  • Chickweed
  • Cleavers (suppression)
  • Common ragweed
  • Dandelion (seedling)
  • Green foxtail (suppression)
  • Green pigweed
  • Lamb’s-quarters
  • Nightshade
  • Palmer amaranth
  • Redroot pigweed
  • Russian thistle (suppression)
  • Volunteer canola – (suppression including all herbicide-tolerant biotypes)
  • Waterhemp (including Group 2-, 5- and glyphosate-resistant biotypes)
  • Wild buckwheat (suppression)


  • Early season control eliminates broadleaf weed pressure early on in wheat and soybeans
  • Extended residual control (up to 8 weeks) on tough weeds
  • New liquid formulation requires no surfactants and is easier to handle
  • Resistance management tool helps to manage glyphosate-resistant weeds
  • Apply in fall or spring (check label for specific crop registrations)
  • Extended early season control for extra in-crop herbicide flexibility and to improve the efficacy of in-crop herbicide applications by having to target fewer, smaller weeds
  • Yield potential is increased through early elimination of weed competition
  • More re-cropping flexibility the following year
  • Tank-mixable with most burndown and pre-emergent herbicides (ie. glyphosate, BlackHawk)

Performance tips

  1. Emerged weeds – use with a burndown herbicide partner like glyphosate and BlackHawk
  2. Flushing weeds – residual activity for newly emerging weeds
  3. Application Flexibility – Valtera EZ alone can be used up to 3 days post planting but prior to emergence of soybeans only
  4. Refer to label or crop guide for rates and use patterns
  5. DO NOT incorporate after application or anytime prior to planting
  6. Pre-plant applications require the use of minimum disturbance systems
  7. Leave a small checkstrip in the field to show performance


For specific crop usage information see label for details