Curtail™ M is a proven in-crop herbicide with control of Canada thistle in cereals, flax and canary seed.
Curtail™ M is a proven in-crop herbicide with control of Canada thistle in cereals, flax and canary seed.
Technical information
Active ingredient: Group 4 (clopyralid + MCPA ester)
Rainfast: 4 hours
Treatment rate: One case treats 20-27 acres, one drum treats 140-187 acres (contact local retailer to special order drums)
Application: Low rate of 0.6 L/acre controls small weeds and lighter infestations. High rate of 0.8 L/acre controls larger weeds and heavier infestations.
Crop staging: Wheat: 3-leaf – just before flag leaf. Flax: 5 cm – 15 cm in height
Registered crops
- Barley
- Canary seed
- Flax
- Oats
- Spring wheat (including durum)
- Timothy
Weeds controlled
- Buckwheat (wild, tartary)
- Canada thistle
- Dandelion (top growth)
- Lamb’s-quarters
- Redroot pigweed
- Scentless chamomile
- Shepherd’s-purse
- Sow-thistle (annual, perennial)
- Stinkweed
- Volunteer canola
- Volunteer sunflower
- Wild mustard
- EFFECTIVE systemic activity of two active ingredients that moves down to the roots of the weeds
- COMPATIBLE with most graminicides to provide excellent weed control including tank-mixes with Signal®, Axial® Xtreme, Simplicity™ and many others
- BROAD-SPECTRUM activity on many hard-to-control broadleaf weeds including pigweed and volunteer canola
- BEST OPTION for flax crops with hard-to-kill weeds
- The best above and below ground systemic thistle control
- Makes harvest easier
- Delivers in-crop yield protection
Weed control challenge
Cereal yield and quality losses from Canada thistle
Canada thistle and sow thistle deliver aggressive in-crop problems for many growers. Capable of producing 14 shoots per square metre, and a root system that extends for 20 feet, Canada thistle can reduce cereal yields by up to 38%* and significantly affect crop quality.
*Manitoba Agriculture Food & Rural Initiatives – 2013
Nufarm solution
Targeted to take out Canada thistle
Curtail M provides the best in-crop, systemic action with trusted Group 4 chemistry to kill the roots of Canada thistle and other troublesome perennial weeds such as sow thistle and dandelion. With two active ingredients, Curtail M translocates deep down to the extensive thistle roots for effective above- and below-ground control.
Tank-mix partners
- Axial
- Axial Xtreme
- Broadband*†
- Epic
- Nufarm Tralkoxydim
- Altitude FX2 (Clearfield® wheat)
- Signal
- Everest*
- Simplicity†
- Traxos
- Varro*†
- Poast
- Select/Centurion
- Statue
*not including durum
†600 mL/acre rate of Curtail M