Cloak® keeps soybeans weed-free and maximizes early season residual control of tough weeds, allowing glyphosate applications to be made closer to crop canopy. It quickly inhibits the growth of susceptible weeds and may be tank-mixed with many other products for increased weed control.
Cloak® keeps soybeans weed-free and maximizes early season residual control of tough weeds, allowing glyphosate applications to be made closer to crop canopy. It quickly inhibits the growth of susceptible weeds and may be tank-mixed with many other products for increased weed control.
Major Crop/Use**
- Helps maximize yield by providing full-season control of tough broadleaf weeds
- Offers burndown and residual activity
- Two modes of action to help prevent resistance development
- Flexible application options: no-till, reduced-till, stale seedbed or conventional production
- Quickly inhibits the growth of susceptible weeds
- 8 x 5 lb case
- metribuzin (64.3%)
- chlorimuron (10.7%)
**Consult label for additional crop and rate information