Nufarm Polaris is a liquid post-emergent herbicide that contains Imazapyr for effective management of grasses and broadleaf weeds, undesirable emergent and floating aquatic vegetation, and many brush and vine species in a variety of settings. Nufarm Polaris provides a multi-purpose label that includes vegetation management, aquatic and railroad applications.


  • Highly effective herbicide providing long-term control of unwanted vegetation
  • Provides control of various broadleaf weeds, annual and perennial grasses as well as many brush and vine species
  • Prevents re-sprouting or germination of labeled weeds and brush in treated areas when used at recommended rates
  • Labeled for application in lakes, rivers, streams, ponds, drainage ditches, canals, reservoirs, swamps, and many more
  • Promotes plan diversity and increased forage, favored by wildlife


  • 2 x 2.5 gal/case – 36 cases/pallet
  • 15 gal
  • 250 gal tote


  • Imazapyr (28.7%)

**Consult label for additional use and rate information