Panther® Pro Herbicide brings the power of three actives together in the first liquid flumioxazin premix. Labeled for pre-plant and pre-emerge use on soybeans, Panther Pro keeps fields clean with excellent residual control of more than 60 broadleaf weeds and grasses.
Panther® Pro Herbicide brings the power of three actives together in the first liquid flumioxazin premix. Labeled for pre-plant and pre-emerge use on soybeans, Panther Pro keeps fields clean with excellent residual control of more than 60 broadleaf weeds and grasses.
Keep Soybeans Weed Free with Pro Power and Liquid Convenience.
Panther® Pro Herbicide brings the power of three actives together in the first liquid flumioxazin premix. Labeled for pre-plant and pre-emerge use on soybeans, Panther Pro keeps fields clean with excellent residual control of more than 60 broadleaf weeds and grasses – including glyphosate-resistant common ragweed, common waterhemp, and horseweed. Plus, Panther Pro may be mixed with labeled glyphosate or glufosinate products, such as Credit® Xtreme for fall, fallow seedbed, and spring burndown programs. Panther Pro may also be used to keep fallowland and non-crop bare ground weed-free.
- First liquid flumioxazin premix – three active ingredients, three modes-of-action
- Excellent broad-spectrum weed control for soybeans
- Lasting residual control of more than 60 broadleaf weeds and grasses including susceptible winter annuals and many glyphosate-resistant species
- Can be applied alone, or as part of a fall, fallow seedbed, or spring burndown program
- Also labeled for fallow and non-crop bare ground areas
SOYBEANS: Panther Pro® may be applied to soybeans prior to planting or pre-emergence (after planting). Pre-emergence application of Panther Pro must be made within 3 days after planting and prior to soybean emergence. Application after the soybeans have begun to crack, or are emerged, will result in severe crop injury. Application should not be made when soybeans have begun to crack. Select rate of Panther Pro from the Weeds Controlled or Suppressed by Residual Activity of Panther Pro table according to anticipated weed spectrum as found in the product label.
Panther Pro may be applied in the fall after previous year’s crop, or in the spring as an early pre-plant, burndown or pre-emergence application.
Fall Application: Apply Panther Pro for burndown and residual weed control after the prior crop is harvested.
Spring Application: Apply Panther Pro early pre-plant through pre-emergence for burndown and residual weed control before the crop emerges.
Burndown – Pre-emergence to Soybeans, Post-emergence to Weeds: Panther Pro, applied as part of a burndown program, may be used for residual weed control, as well as to assist in post-emergence burndown of many annual and perennial weeds where soybeans will be planted directly into a stale seedbed, cover crop or in previous crop residues. For control of emerged weeds by Panther Pro, see Table – Weeds Controlled or Suppressed by Post-emergence Activity of Panther Pro in the product label.
Apply Panther Pro with ground equipment before planting, during planting or within 3 days after planting, but before the crop emerges. To ensure thorough coverage, use a minimum of 15 gallons of spray solution per acre. Refer to tank mix partner’s label for specified application pressure. All tank mixes of Panther Pro applied to assist in the control of emerged weeds must be applied with crop oil concentrate or methylated seed oil at 1 to 2 pints per acre or a non-ionic surfactant at 0.25% v/v.
See label for complete application rates and recommendations.
EPA REG. NO.: 71368-120
ACTIVE INGR.: metribuzin (31.83%), flumioxazin (7.11%), ammonium salt of imazethapyr (6.02%)
CHEM. FAMILY: N-phenylphthalimide, triazine, imidazolinone
GROUP NUMBER: 5, 14 and 2
MODE OF ACT.: Photosystem II Inhibitor, PPO Inhibitor, ALS Inhibitor
REI: 12 hours
SIGNAL WORD: caution
RES. USE: no
PACKAGE SIZE: 2.5 gal container (2 per case), 265 gal tote
Bareground in non-crop farm areas
(See product label for complete list)
Chickweed (common, mouseear)
Evening primrose (cutleaf)
Field pennycress
Florida beggarweed
Florida pusley
Foxtail (giant, green, yellow)
Lambsquarters (common)
London rocket
Mallow (little, Venice)
Morningglory (smallflower, tall)
Nightshades (black, eastern black, hairy)
Pigweeds (amaranth, redroot, smooth,
spiny, tumble)
Prickly lettuce
Prickly sida (teaweed)
Purslane (common)
Radish (wild)
Ragweed (common)
Smartweed (ladysthumb, Pennsylvania)
Sowthisle (prickly)
Spotted spurge
Waterhemp (common)