With a unique combination of two powerful active ingredients, Purestand® Max is a selective post-emergent herbicide designed specifically for bermudagrass pastures. The label has over 80 species of grasses and broadleaf weeds listed as controlled or suppressed, including Johnsongrass, nutsedge and thistles. Purestand Max is an ideal pasture weed management solution because it does not damage bermudagrass. Add to this a “zero day” grazing restriction and you have a near-perfect tool to fight noxious and nuisance pasture weeds. See product label for complete directions for use.

Competitive Advantages

    • Unique combination of two active ingredients, available only in Purestand Max
    • Selective, systemic herbicide with field proven safety to established bermudagrass
    • No grazing restrictions – grazing can commence immediately after application
    • Can be applied in dormant season
    • Convenience offered by low use rate
    • Excellent tank-mix compatibility with a wide range of other herbicides
    • Controls or suppresses over 80 species of grass and broadleaf weeds
    • Conveniently packaged – one container treats 12 – 16 acres, depending on use rate

at-a-glance info

EPA REG. NO.: 228-753
ACTIVE INGR.: metsulfuron (15.0%) + sulfosulfuron (60%)
FORMULATION: water dispersible granule (WDG)
CHEM. FAMILY: N-sulfonylurea
MODE OF ACT.: sulfonylurea (SU)
REI: 12 hours
SIGNAL WORD: caution
FOR USE ON: Bermudagrass pastures
PACKAGE SIZE: 16 oz. bottle , 8 per case (6.5 – 20 treated acres per bottle)
USE RATES: 0.8 oz – 2.5 oz per acre depending on target weed and soil type

Key Uses

Bermudagrass pastures, pasture and rangeland sites west of the Mississippi river

key weeds controlled

(See product label for complete list)
Bahiagrass, Pensacola
Bentgrass, creeping
Bluegrass (bulbous, roughstalk)
Brome (downy, ripgut)
Broomweed, common
Buckwheat, wild**
Carrot, wild
Chickweed, common
Cocklebur, common
Cow cockle
Curly dock
Field pennycress
Fleabane, rough
Groundsel, common
Lambsquarter (common, slimleaf)
Lettuce, wild
Marshelder, annual
Mustard, wild
Nutsedge (purple, yellow)
Oat, wild
Pennycress, field
Pigweed (redroot, smooth, tumble)
Purslane, common
Smartweed (green, ladysthumb, pale, Pennsylvania)
Sowthistle, annual
Thistle (Canada*,**,musk**, Russian**)

*Supression or partial control, repeat applications may be necessary
**See specific direction for special weed problems