T-Methyl 70 WSB protects dozens of crops against a broad spectrum of diseases with effective, systemic disease control, which is why thiophanate-methyl is one of the most widely used fungicides in the world. T-Methyl 70 WSB effectively protects new growth from devastating diseases that take a toll on many tree, row, field and vine crops. Available in water-soluble bags, T-Methyl 70 WSB can be easily tank-mixed with a wide range of fungicides to help you achieve optimal disease control and disease resistance management.

Major Crop/Use**

  • Almonds, apples, cherries, peaches, pecans, pistachios, more.
  • Beans
  • Cucurbits
  • Grapes, peanuts, potatoes, soybeans, strawberries
  • Across dozens of crop uses, offers thorough protection against a broad spectrum of diseases.
  • Excellent tank-mix option with easy-to-handle WSB formulation.
  • Works systemically to protect new growth.


  • 6x5x1 lbs/case – 30 cases/pallet
  • 6x2x2.5 lbs/case – 30 cases/pallet


  • Thiophanate-methyl – 70%

**Consult label for additional use and rate information