Tahoe 3A is a water-soluble amine triclopyr formulation that controls a broad spectrum of brush and broadleaf weeds. Tahoe 3A is ideal for any vegetation management program and is the perfect solution for treating near sensitive sites as it eliminates unwanted vegetation while leaving the surrounding desirable plants and grasses unaffected. The active ingredient is an amine of triclopyr, a pyridine-based herbicide, and is absorbed through the leaves and roots and translocates throughout the plant.


  • Broad-spectrum control of many hard to control broadleaf weeds and brush
  • Low soil activity – rapidly degraded by soil microorganisms
  • Labeled for use in high volume, low volume and aerial applications
  • Labeled for use on industrial sites, rights-of way, non-crop areas, forests, wildlife openings and hayed or grazed areas on these sites
  • Tank-mix compatible
  • Rainfast within two hours
  • For use in or near sensitive areas


  • 2 x 2.5 gal/case – 36 cases/pallet
  • 30 gal drum – 5 drums/pallet


  • Triclopyr (44.4%)


**Consult label for additional use and rate information