Treaty™ is a dry-flowable granular herbicide that offers excellent control of many problem weeds in wheat, barley, oat, triticale, fallow, corn, soybeans. Treaty can be used as a stand-alone herbicide or in tank mix with grass or other broadleaf herbicides.

Major Crop/Use**

  • Controls over 40 tough broadleaf weeds, including wild buckwheat, redroot pigweed and common lambsquarters
  • Dependable post-emerge control and preplant burndown
  • Delivers reliable control of a wide spectrum of broadleaf weeds for clean fields, easier harvest and increased yield performance
  • Can be tank-mixed with grass control herbicides and broadleaf herbicides


  • 8 x 10 oz/case


  • Thifensulfuron-methyl (75%)


**Consult label for additional crop and rate information