Truslate® is a selective post-emergence herbicide that controls annual and perennial broadleaf weeds in wheat, barley, and oats not underseeded with a legume. Truslate is also registered for use in field corn, sweet corn and grasses grown for seed. It can be used to control tough weeds on Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) acreage and non-cropland. Difficult weeds like Canada thistle, kochia and wild buckwheat don’t stand a chance against Truslate. With two powerful active ingredients in a convenient premix, Truslate offers a wide window of application for maximum flexibility and convenience.

Major Crop/Use**

  • Controls more than 60 broadleaf weeds and suppresses over 15
  • Readily absorbed by roots and foliage, disrupting plant cell growth
  • Rapidly translocated
  • Wide window of application
  • Can be tank-mixed with most other broadleaf and grass herbicides


  • 2.5 gal
  • 30 gal
  • 250 gal tote
  • bulk


  • 11.3% clopyralid MEA salt
  • 12.3% fluroxypyr 1-methylheptyl ester

**Consult label for additional crop and rate information