Ultra Flourish is a systemic fungicide for use on various crops to control diseases caused by members of the Oomycete class of fungi. This proprietary formulation of mefenoxam has excellent dispersion properties when compared to competitive products. The Ultra Flourish label was expanded to include onions, asparagus, cole crops, sugar beets and root and tuber vegetables. These crops add to a label that already includes citrus, leafy vegetables, cucurbits, pepper and eggplant, tobacco, tomatoes and potatoes.
Ultra Flourish is a systemic fungicide for use on various crops to control diseases caused by members of the Oomycete class of fungi. This proprietary formulation of mefenoxam has excellent dispersion properties when compared to competitive products. The Ultra Flourish label was expanded to include onions, asparagus, cole crops, sugar beets and root and tuber vegetables. These crops add to a label that already includes citrus, leafy vegetables, cucurbits, pepper and eggplant, tobacco, tomatoes and potatoes.
Major Crop/Use**
- Asparagus, onions, tomatoes
- Citrus
- Cucubrit/vegetables, leafy vegetables
- Potatoes
- Tobacco
- Sugar beets
- 4 x 1 gal/case – 24 cases/pallet
- Mefanoxam (25.1%)
**Consult label for additional crop and rate information