Nufarm offers a wide range of proven portfolio solutions to protect your soybean crop. Seed treatment leaders such as Trunemco and Spirato get your stand off to a strong start. Plus, top performing herbicides such as Credit Xtreme, Credit 5.4 Extra, Panther Pro and Panther MTZ keep fields clean.

Solution Spotlight: Trunemco

Trunemco™ is a nematode seed treatment solution that helps soybean, cotton and corn crops thrive. This patented technology primes plant physiology, activating its defense system for superior broad-spectrum protection against nematode invasion.

50% reduction in Nematode Populations VS non-nematicide treated

Innoculatd Greenhouse Trial
Auburn University, Dr. Kathy Lawrence
35 days after seeding

Yield Advantage

Planting date May 5
Auburn University, Dr. Kathy Lawrence

Planting date May 15, 2020
Delta Ag Research, Dr. Trey Koger

Increased Plant Vigor

Trunemco protection supports root health, seedling vigor and uniform plant growth in crucial early stages.

2021 Nufarm seed treatment soybeans trial

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