Nufarm offers powerful herbicides with proven effectiveness on the most difficult turfgrass weeds. Our solutions bring you unique modes of action to support resistance management and deliver results that help keep lawns clean and customers happy.

Solution Spotlight: Summer Weed Control

With a simple one-use rate, Q-Ball quickly eliminates crabgrass escapes and more.

• Fast results – more than 90% crabgrass escape control within 7 DAT
• Simple one-use rate of 1.45 oz/1,000 sq ft controls crabgrass escapes and many other weeds
• Minimum of 10 gal/A spray volume for low-volume sprayers
• Stable water-based formulation withstands temperatures from 0˚ to 129˚F
• Controls more than crabgrass, including clover, dandelion, dollar weed, foxtail, kikuyugrass, signalgrass, speedwell, and torpedo grass

Designed specifically for post-emerge sedge control, Celero® complements traditional grass and broadleaf herbicides. Celero delivers superior knockdown of yellow and purple nutsedge. When annual or perennial sedges, including green kyllinga, are present, count on Celero applied as a spot or broadcast treatment.

Crabgrass Takedown With Q-Ball

Why Nutsedge Is So Hard To Control

How To Achieve Complete Nutsedge Kill

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