Our turf management portfolio of solutions includes a specific selection of herbicides, fungicides and insecticides for use on sports turf with proven efficacy in controlling these issues. These solutions bring you confidence that your field is optimized for your players, while looking its best. 

Solution Spotlight: The Answer to your #1 priority starts with Anuew


Nutsedge and kyllinga in every turf species Celero® Herbicide
Weed control in both cool- and warm-season grasses Change Up® Herbicide
Cool-season turfgrass weed control  Allstar™ Herbicide
Warm-season turfgrass weed control Southpaw™ Herbicide


Nutsedge and kyllinga in every turf species Aloft® LC
Preventative & curative white grubs, preventative and curative billbugs, chinch bugs, ants Arena® 0.25 G or Arena® 50 WDG
Preventative white grubs and billbugs Mallet™ 0.5 G  OR  Mallet 2F T&O


Dollar spot, leaf spot, snow mold, red thread, brown patch 26/36®
Gray leaf spot 3336® F
Brown patch, fairy ring Tourney® EZ
Pythium Phostrol® OR Curator™*


*Pending EPA registration. Not currently available for sale in the US.

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