Now from Nufarm, Certainty® Herbicide provides unique opportunities for selective, post-emerge weed control in warm-season turf and ornamentals. Certainty offers the flexibility to be applied to a wide range of warm-season turfgrasses including Bermudagrass, Bahiagrass, Buffalograss, Centipedegrass, Kikuyugrass, Seashore paspalum, St. Augustinegrass and Zoysiagrass. Labeled for use in residential and commercial sites, sod farms and certain golf course applications including native warm-season grass sites. Certainty is the ideal choice for selective weed control in managed turf or landscape settings.
Now from Nufarm, Certainty® Herbicide provides unique opportunities for selective, post-emerge weed control in warm-season turf and ornamentals. Certainty offers the flexibility to be applied to a wide range of warm-season turfgrasses including Bermudagrass, Bahiagrass, Buffalograss, Centipedegrass, Kikuyugrass, Seashore paspalum, St. Augustinegrass and Zoysiagrass. Labeled for use in residential and commercial sites, sod farms and certain golf course applications including native warm-season grass sites. Certainty is the ideal choice for selective weed control in managed turf or landscape settings.
at-a-glance info
EPA REG. NO.: 59639-226
ACTIVE INGR.: sulfosulfuron (75%)
FORMULATION: water-dispersible granule
CHEM. FAMILY: sulfonylurea
SIGNAL WORD: caution
PACKAGE SIZE: 10 x 10 x 1.25 oz
Residential and commercial turf sites including:
- Lawns
- Athletic fields
- Cemeteries
- Parks
- Sod farms
- Fairways
- Roughs
- Tees
KEY weeds controlled
- Barley, little
- Bedstraw, catchweed
- Bluegrass; annual,
- bulbous, roughstalk
- Burweed, lawn
- Buttercup
- Buttonweed*
- Chamber bitter
- Chickweed, common
- Clover, white
- Crowfootgrass
- Dallisgrass*
- Dandelion
- Dichondra, Carolina
- Fescue, tall
- Garlic, wild
- Geranium, Carolina*
- Henbit*
- Ivy, ground*
- Johnsongrass
- Kyllinga; false green,
- fragrant, green
- Lovegrass
- Mustard, wild
- Nutsedge; purple, yellow
- Pennycress, field
- Pennywort, lawn (dollarweed)*
- Quackgrass*
- Ryegrass, perennial
- Sedges; annual, globe
- Shepherd’s-purse
- Switchgrass
- Violet, wild*
- Woodsorrell, yellow*
*suppression or partial control only
See product label for complete list
- Controls sedges, grass and broadleaf weeds including purple and yellow nutsedge, Kyllinga species, along with globe and annual sedge
- Use selectively on a wide range of warm-season turfgrass species
- Offers flexibility to control difficult weeds in newly seeded turf, native grasses and established ornamentals
- Ideal choice for spring transition to Bermudagrass turf from overseeded ryegrass
- Keeps warm-season turf free of undesirable cool-season turfgrass such as tall fescue, perennial ryegrass, Poa annua and Poa trivialis
use summary
Apply Certainty® Herbicide at 1.25 oz/A after weeds have reached the 3- to 8-leaf stage of growth. A sequential application of 1.25 oz/A may be made 4 or more weeks after the initial treatment, if needed.
Apply at 1.25 oz/A followed by a second application of 1.25 oz/A at 21 to 28 days after the initial application. If a single application is preferred, apply Certainty at 2 oz/A.
The following application includes the use of MSMA. MSMA can cause injury to common and hybrid bermudagrass turf. Test the following tank-mix recommendation on a small area prior to wide-scale use to determine if this application is suitable for your bermudagrass management objectives.
Apply Certainty when dallisgrass is actively growing at a rate of 1.25 oz/A in a tank mixture with 2 lbs of MSMA per acre and 0.25% by volume nonionic surfactant (1 qt/100 gals of spray solution). Reapply this same tank mixture 2 to 4 weeks after initial application.
As an alternative program, apply MSMA at 2 lbs AI/A with 0.25% by volume nonionic surfactant as an initial treatment, wait two weeks and apply 2 oz/A of Certainty. Wait an additional two weeks and apply MSMA again at 2 lbs AI/A with 0.25% by volume nonionic surfactant.
Apply Certainty at 1.25 oz/A. This application will provide suppression or partial control of buttonweed for 4 to 6 weeks.
For enhanced buttonweed control, tank-mix Certainty with a broadleaf herbicide labeled for buttonweed control in the desired warm-season turfgrass.
Non-Overseeded Turf: Apply Certainty at 1.25-2 oz/A. Use the higher rate of Certainty for control in areas of established, dense weed infestation.
Best results are obtained when weeds are in the early stage of growth and prior to tillering.
Prior to Overseeding Turf with Perennial Ryegrass: Apply Certainty at 2 oz/A prior to overseeding warm-season turf with perennial ryegrass. Begin applications after Poa annua germination and 7 to 10 days prior to overseeding.
Apply Certainty at 1.25 oz/A followed by a second application of 1.25 oz/A at 21 to 28 days after the initial application when daily temperatures are expected to exceed 80° F during the treatment period. If a single application is preferred, apply Certainty at 2 oz/A.
Apply Certainty at 0.75 oz/A followed by a second application of 0.75 oz/A at 4 to 10 weeks after the initial treatment. For best results, apply the initial treatment of Certainty in the fall or early winter when rescuegrass has germinated and is visible in the dormant turfgrass. Applications should be made when rescuegrass is actively growing and at the 2- to 4-leaf stage, but prior to tillering. If a single application is preferred, apply Certainty at 1.5 oz/A.
Where atrazine can be used in warm-season turfgrass apply Certainty at 1 oz/A plus atrazine at 0.5 lbs AI/A. This treatment will provide both post-emergence and residual control of rescuegrass.
Certainty is for use in woody ornamentals, perennial groundcovers and warm-season ornamental grasses.
See label for complete use directions.