Mycoshield® is a valuable tool to fruit disease management programs. It is used to control fire blight in apples and pears and bacterial spot in peaches and nectarines. When used in conjunction with other products, Mycoshield is particularly useful in resistance management programs. Mycoshield can be used in combination or rotation with Agri-Mycin® 50 and other bactericides, and is compatible with most pesticides commonly used in an orchard. It is also approved for use in treating citrus canker and HLB, also known as citrus greening or greening disease, that affect citrus fruit. Due to the seriousness of HLB, Mycoshield is EPA approved for use on citrus fruit crops in Nevada, Texas, Arizona, Florida and Georgia through December 31, 2020 per a Section 3 (c)(5) supplemental label.
Mycoshield® is a valuable tool to fruit disease management programs. It is used to control fire blight in apples and pears and bacterial spot in peaches and nectarines. When used in conjunction with other products, Mycoshield is particularly useful in resistance management programs. Mycoshield can be used in combination or rotation with Agri-Mycin® 50 and other bactericides, and is compatible with most pesticides commonly used in an orchard. It is also approved for use in treating citrus canker and HLB, also known as citrus greening or greening disease, that affect citrus fruit. Due to the seriousness of HLB, Mycoshield is EPA approved for use on citrus fruit crops in Nevada, Texas, Arizona, Florida and Georgia through December 31, 2020 per a Section 3 (c)(5) supplemental label.
citrus grower offer extended:
Through Nufarm TreeFirst, you may qualify for Mycoshield® treatment at no cost. Growers purchasing a minimum of 1,000 citrus trees for planting from participating nurseries will qualify for Mycoshield bactericide to treat their trees. Download TreeFirst program sheet for details.
WE HAVE A SOLUTION. Throw a one-two punch with Mycoshield® our copper Champs. Learn more about ChampION++™ copper fungicide.
at-a-glance info
EPA REG. NO.: 55146-97
ACTIVE INGR.: oxytetracycline calcium complex (31.5%) (equivalent to 17% oxytetracycline)
FORMULATION: wettable powder
CHEM. FAMILY: tetracycline antibiotic
MODE OF ACT: protein protein
SIGNAL WORD: warning
PACKAGE SIZE: 2 lb bag (10 per case)
- Apples
- Citrus
- Nectarines
- Peaches
- Pears
(See product label for complete list)
- Bacterial spot (on nectarines and peaches)
- Canker (on citrus)
- Fire blight (on apples and pears)
- HLB and citrus canker suppression (on citrus in Nevada, Texas, Arizona, Florida and Georgia)
(See product label for complete list)
- Provides 3 days of protection against fire blight in pears and apples, up to 7 days of protection when used against bacterial spot in nectarines and peaches
- Will not effect the appearance or growth of fruit*
*See NOTE for sensitive pear varieties
- Dependable and effective when applied prior to the onset of disease
- Compatible with streptomycin and most pesticides commonly used in an orchard
For best results, apply Mycoshield® using an airblast sprayer with enough water to provide full coverage. Thorough coverage is essential. Do not apply Mycoshield through any type of irrigation system. To avoid possible pesticide contamination use only clean metal or plastic containers in preparing all solutions.
APPLES & PEARS – GROUND APPLICATION: Use 16 oz of Mycoshield/100 gal of water. Apply using an airblast sprayer. Ensure good coverage of plant parts. Apply beginning with 10% bloom. For apples, repeat applications at 3 to 6 day intervals or apply when blight favorable weather is expected during apple bloom. For pears, repeat applications at 4 to 6 day intervals.
AERIAL APPLICATION: Application by air is not a direct replacement for applications by ground. Use aerial application only in those orchards in which optimal coverage can be achieved by air. Apply Mycoshield at 1.0 lb in a minimum of 10 gal/A. Even with optimal coverage, the extent of control may be reduced. Apply by ground within 3 to 6 days subsequent to an aerial application. Begin spray application at 10% bloom. For apples, repeat applications at 3 to 6 day intervals or apply when blight favorable weather is expected during apple bloom. For pears, repeat applications at 4 to 6 day intervals. Spray coverage of blossoms is essential.
PEACHES & NECTARINES – GROUND APPLICATION: Use 12 oz of Mycoshield/100 gal of water. Vary the total volume of solution per acre from 50 to 200 gal depending on the size and foliar development of the trees. Smaller, less dense trees will require a lower volume and larger, more dense trees will require a higher volume of spray to obtain coverage to the point of runoff.
Apply at 7 day intervals beginning at petal fall (<5% shuck split) through first cover. After first cover, application interval can be extended to 7 to 10 days depending on weather conditions. Use the higher rate early in the season and during periods conducive for disease. Use a pressure sprayer capable of delivering the spray at a minimum of 250 lb pressure per square inch through a hand-held single nozzle gun, or 150 lb pressure per square inch using an airblast sprayer. For best results with airblast sprayer, do not exceed 3 mph ground speed or 100 mph spray velocity.
See product label for complete directions for use.