PARAMOUNT MAX delivers a safe and reliable control of an extensive range of broadleaf weed across a flexible window of application. PARAMOUNT MAX should be used in mixtures with other cereal herbicides with a different mode of action such as DUPLOSAN KV or TOMAHAWK 2 to protect against weed resistance and further enhance broad leaf weed spectrum.​ 


Paramount Max offers solutions to the twin problems of controlling Groundsel in cereal crops in the spring and herbicide safety in crops of oats and barley.

Dick Dyason, Technical Manager UK & Ireland

Controllable Weeds With Paramount Max

Target: Broadleaved Weeds

Shepherd’s Purse



Stellaria media, this broadleaf weed is identified by its vibrant green pointed oval leaves are borne in opposite pairs.  For ALS resistant Chickweed, a combination of Paramount Max + Duplosan KV (mecoprop-p) + fluroxypyr is recommended. 

Weed size controlled with Paramount Max: Up to and including flowering.



Groundsel, like other plants on the list compete with cereal crops for space and resources. Groundsel can be identified by its long lobed leaves. 

Shepherd's Purse


Capsella bursa-pastoris, is a fast growing broadleaf weed with toothed green leaves. Known to produce many seeds, with three generations per year.

Weed size controlled with Paramount Max: Up to 100 mm.

Volunteer OSR


Volunteer oilseed rape can be controlled too. Springing up as a result of previous crop rotations and are important to control in order to prevent yield loss and harvest contamination.

Weed size controlled with Paramount Max: Before flower buds visible. 



Papaver somniferum, poppies are well known and iconic plants, like most of those listed here, on their own they are not an issue, but it is when they rob crops of space and resources that they become an issue.

Weed size controlled with Paramount Max: Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves.



Tripleurospermum inodorum, a annual bushy broadleaf plant, when flowering it has distinct white petals. It too competes actively with cereals for space and nutrients, robbing yield and grain quality. 

Weed size controlled with Paramount Max: Up to when flower buds visible.



Galium aparine, this broadleaf weed is identifiable by its oval leaves early on and long stem with small curved hairs as it develops. Cleavers are known to be highly competitive with cereal crops and so it is important to control to prevent significant yield loss.  

Weed size controlled with Paramount Max: Plants up to 200 mm.



identifiable by its kidney-shaped cotyledons, its first true leaves are broad and rounded. As with other broadleaf weeds it competes with cereal crops and can decrease yield. 

Weed size controlled with Paramount Max: Plant up to 15 cm across/high.

Key Benefits

1. A highly effective combination

Active Ingredients that work well to control broadleaf weeds

A carefully chosen balance of Florasulam and Tribenuron-methyl in an optimised granule formulation containing Florasulam 200 g/kg + Tribenuron-methyl 600 g/kg for ease of use. 

2. Can used in a variety of different weed challenges

Controls an extensive range of weeds including cleavers, groundsel and chickweed.

Proven performance on a wide spectrum of key annual weeds in both winter and spring sown cereals. To access the Paramount Max label and view the list of controlled weeds click here.

3. Wide window of application

A flexibility in dose means you are less limited by the weather when spraying.

Paramount Max is less affected by cold weather than some herbicides and delivers reliable weed control despite challenging spring weather. 

4. Highly compatible as a mixing partner

Forms part of a balanced resitance management program by mixing with phenoxies.

As part of an integrated approach to weed control, Paramount Max can be used in sequence and / or tank mix with a wide range of other herbicides, allowing practical and sustainable weed management.

Use of Paramount Max gives you flexibility in approaching weed control. A mix of Paramount Max + DuplosanKV + Fluroxypyr is ideal for dealing ALS resistant chickweed and fumitory.

Iain Allan, M.Sc, MBPR, FACTS, Business Development Manager Scotland

Nufarm’s Paramount Max delivers safe and reliable control of an extensive range of broadleaf weed across a flexible window of application. While Nufarm may be known for its versatile phenoxy range, Paramount Max makes for an ideal mixing partner with other cereal herbicides (such as phenoxies) with a different mode of action which helps to protect against weed resistance and further enhance broad leaf weed spectrum.

Some of Paramount Max’s key benefits include:

  • A carefully chosen balance of florasulam and tribenuron-methyl in an optimised granule formulation for ease of use.
  • Tried and tested on a wide spectrum of key annual weeds in both winter and spring sown cereals.
  • Wide window of application and flexibility in dose.
  • Strong tank mixing capability, allowing for practical and sustainable weed management.

Nufarm’s aim isn’t just to provide a useful product, but to ensure that useful information goes with all our products, so you can make the most of them on your crops.

Agronomy Solutions to challenges this spring:

Spring Barley
25g/ha Paramount Max + 0.4lt/ha 200g/lt fluroxypyr
Benefits: Excellent control of Groundsel, Bindweeds and also control of ALS resistant Chickweed

Spring Oats
20g/ha Paramount Max + 1lt/ha Duplosan KV + 0.4lt/ha 200g/l fluroxypyr
Benefits: Controls fumitory, Fat Hen, Corn Marigold

The Perfect match: Products to combine with Paramount Max.

Paramount Max: A strong product foundation

Combine with Easel (MCPA) for control of Poppies (including ALS resistant)

  • Mixture partner for many Nufarm cereal herbicides in the spring; such as phenoxies and fluroxypyr.
  • Paramount Max + Easel (750 g/l MCPA) allows late removal of Poppies in winter wheat.
Paramount Max Page

Paramount Max with Duplosan KV

For anti-resistance sustainability and enhanced speed of action on several weeds

  • Duplosan KV  (600 g/l mecoprop-p) is one of the main products as a mixture partner for Paramount Max to enhance Cleaver and Chickweed control. 
  • The utility of CMPP-P has been proven during many years and is now even more relevant as an ALS resistance management tool.
  • Duplosan KV is the partner of choice in early spring.
Duplosan KV Page

Paramount Max with Tomahawk 2 (fluroxypyr)

Fluroxypyr is a cost effective partner

  • Tomahawk 2  (200 g/l fluroxypyr) is one of the main products as a mixture partner for Paramount Max to enhance Cleaver and Chickweed control at later timings vs. Duplosan KV. 
  • The utility of fluroxypyr has been proven during many years and is now even more relevant as an ALS resistance management tool.
Tomahawk 2 Page

“Paramount Max, the ultimate all-rounder. Excellent tidy-up product for winter cereals in the spring. Inherently short half-life allows for later applications in spring cereals with no impact on following broadleaf crops.”

Paul Cartwright, Business Development Manger, South
View Paramount Max Label
Weed susceptibility :
Rate of Use 20 g product/ha 25 g product/ha Weed size controlled
Black bindweed MS Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves
Charlock S S Plant up to 15 cm across/high
Cleavers S 200 mm
Common chickweed S S Flowering
Common field speedwell R Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves
Common mouse-ear R Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves
Common poppy S Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves
Cornflower S Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves
Fat hen MS Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves
Field pansy MS Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves
Field penny cress S S Plant up to 15 cm across/high
Fools parsley S Plants up to 3 expanded true leaves
Forget me not S Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves
Fumitory R Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves
Hairy cress MS Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves
Hemp nettle S Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves
Henbit dead nettle MR Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves
Ivy leaved speedwell R Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves
Knotgrass S Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves
Pineapple mayweed S S Flower buds visible
Read dead nettle MR Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves
Redshank MS Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves
Scentless mayweed S S Flower buds visible
Shepherd’s purse S S 100 mm
Volunteer oilseed rape S S Before flower buds visible

S = Susceptible, MS = Moderately Susceptible, MR = Moderately Resistant, R = Resistant