540 g/l glyphosate. A foliar applied herbicide for the control of annual and perennial grasses and broad-leaved weeds before sowing or planting all crops.


A 540g glyphosate salt for use pre-emergence and pre-harvest in cereals, oilseed rape and certain other crops, destruction of grassland, and in stubbles, orchards, forestry, non-crop areas and on set-aside land.

AST = Advanced Salt Technology

Credit contains 540 g/l glyphosate (acid equivalent) as a mixture of the isopropyl amine and ammonium salts
• The mixing of two glyphosate salts results in a patented synergistic increase in activity which is only available from Nufarm

• Credit is adjuvant free and does not require the addition of an adjuvant used pre-harvest in oilseed rape dessication but rainfastness will be improved with the addition of a suitable adjuvant

• If any pre-harvest weed control is required then it is essential to include an adjuvant

Benefits of applying Credit

• Earlier harvest. Applications of glyphosate pre-harvest have been shown to allow combining up to seven days earlier than untreated crops.

• Reduced sieving and threshing losses, as well as increased combine throughput.

• Reduced drying costs.

• Reduced shedding losses.

• Preservation of grain quality.