360 g/l 2,4-D + 315 g/l MCPA. PastureMaster is a unique herbicide for the control of perennial and annual broad leaf weeds in newly sown grass leys and established grassland.
360 g/l 2,4-D + 315 g/l MCPA. PastureMaster is a unique herbicide for the control of perennial and annual broad leaf weeds in newly sown grass leys and established grassland.
Excellent control of both creeping thistle and spear thistle.
For perennial and annual broad-leaved weed control in newly sown grass leys and established grassland.
A soluble concentrate formulation containing 2,4-D and MCPA.
- Flexible, robust product that can be used on newly sown grass leys and established grassland.
- MCPA provides effective control of Thistles, Buttercups and Soft Rush. 2,4-D’s main strength are Docks and Ragwort.
- Approved for use on new leys from three leaf stage.
- No issues about chemical residues or contamination of manure.